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Zach Penland (IG: scraptoreality)

Welcome to this week's #weldershowcase - we had the opportunity to sit down with Zach from  @scraptoreality and talk a little shop.
If you would like to be featured in our weekly showcase (100% FREE) please send us an email to to get you scheduled in an upcoming week. These showcases are intended to highlight your skill, your business, and your tips and tricks.  Most of all it's to have a little fun!
Enjoy and Grind On!



Name:  Zach Penland

Business Name:  Scrap to Reality

Location: Huntsville, AL.

Socials: IG: @scraptoreality

Websites:  Etsy

Specialties: Welded Art and Fabrication

Tell us about yourself - what inspired you to get into your trade? And how long?
When I was in high school I wanted to learn to weld. So at 17 I saved up and bought my first welder. It’s been 12 years since then and it’s been my creative release with art and building my VW bug.
  What keeps you motivated throughout the day?
Making a list and setting goals I have found to be key in staying on task and getting everything done. Also when the customer sees the final product and falls in love.
What is your favorite shop tool and why?
My favorite shop tool right now has to be my DEWALT DW872 chop saw. It has reduced my time cutting material significantly.
  What's your favorite piece that you've worked on?
My favorite piece I have worked on has to be my willow tree.
If you could have any job as it relates to question 1 what would it be and what would you do with that?
I would love to build custom hot rods. I think that I have some ideas that haven't been tried yet. Mix some of the donk style with the old school rat rods.
What BA product is your favorite and why?
I love the 4.5” flap disc. Less mess than a standard grinding wheel and doesn’t gouge the material.
What BA product surprised you in terms of quality - what about it set it apart from the competition?
Probably the flap disc again. Lasted way longer than others I have tried.
What tips and tricks do you have for us that might be different or eye opening for others to try with BA product?
Nothing crazy, but blending has been cleaner using a high grit palm sander after the flap disc. Pretty standard, but I didn’t know about it.
If there was one person you could collaborate with - who would it be and why?
Would love to do something with WelderUp. Everything they have built is killer.
Do you have any advice for the next generation that you wish you had when you first started?
After high school I thought I had to go to a 4 year college. Looking back I wish I had gone into welding right from the start.
What are your future plans for your shop?
Currently trying to get it cleaned with good flow. Then, a CNC plasma table
Thanks for sitting with us and sharing your story with the community - is there anything you'd like to add?  
I love that y’all do this welder showcase. It has introduced me to so many artists that I did not know about. I think it’s great for the community and really helps it grow. It’s hard for new welders/artists to get their name out. Thank you!


A Note From Leo
Thanks for sharing your story with us, Zach! We hope one day you get to building hot rods and trying the new things that have been brewing in your mind.
Previous article Wil Smiley (IG: @_grumpy_gramps_

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