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10 Important Arc Welding Safety Tips

10 Important Arc Welding Safety Tips

10 Important Arc Welding Safety Tips

Let’s understand why arc welding safety is so important?

Why Arc Welding Safety Is So Important?

Arc welding safety protocols are effective ways to keep welders safe from welding risks.

To reduce the risk of health and safety injuries, welding safety measures can be implemented by performing proper training, checking welding equipment, and ensuring employees are aware of safety procedures before conducting any welding job.

While welding has so many possible risks and hazards, welders must maintain safety by following the below guidelines:

  • Examining the environment
  • Utilizing tools and equipment in the proper way
  • Following the owner's manual
  • Making sure that people are not at risk while working

Arc Welding Safety Equipment Checklist

Before starting welding, the welding industry requires the use of a proper PPE kit (Personal protective equipment). It helps to keep welders safe from possible hazards like skin burns, blindness, and overexposure to fumes and gases. 

Welders can protect themselves from welding risk and hazards by using the below-mentioned Arc welding safety equipment.

  • Welding Gloves
  • Welding Helmet (With Eye Protection)
  • Heat Resistant Jacket
  • Welding Pants
  • Welding Boots
  • Ear Muff or Plugs
  • Welding Respirator for Lung protection

  • What Are Safety Precautions During Arc Welding?

    Whether you are an experienced or professional welder, arc welding can be hazardous at any time. These arc welding safety precautions and tips can help to keep yourself and others safe from any possible risks. 

    Here are the best welding safety tips:

    10 Arc Welding Safety Tips & Rules

    10 Arc Welding Safety Tips & Rules

    10 important arc welding safety tips are-

    #1 Keep Your Work Environment Safe 

    To avoid welding risk and health injuries, always keep your work environment safe. Avoid welding in rainy and crowded environments. Confirm that all employees are aware of the safety measures and have safety equipment.

    #2 Protect Against Explosions

    Welding sparks can easily ignite flammable fumes and gases. This can trigger an explosion in a closed space like a drum, pipe, or tanker. The welding process puts a lot of pressure on the gas cylinders. Keep a safe distance away to avoid sparks or slag, as well as to cover them from extreme heat.

    #3 Wear the Proper Safety Equipments

    Welding creates a lot of hot slags. Tiny slag particles can ping off the weld even after the completion of the welding process. To keep your clothes from catching fire, wear leather shoes and a PPE kit. Avoid synthetic material clothes, wear a lightweight welding jacket for extra protection.

    Read: What are the 5 types of Welding Processes

    #4 Protect Your Eyes and Ears

    To protect your eyes and ears wear safety glasses and a welding helmet, this avoids the entry of welding sparks and slag. The welding process and some machine tools generate a lot of noise, thus ear protection is also essential.

    #5 Avoid Breathing Fumes

    Use a respirator and ventilate restricted spaces while welding. You can use a fan or other artificial ventilation if an area is not naturally ventilated. Welding on coated materials such as galvanized or cadmium plated steel produces harmful vapors, welding respirators will help to avoid it. Do not perform welding near any chemicals. They may emit fumes as a result of the heat and UV light.

    #6 Maintain Your Equipment

    Don't overuse safety equipment because to avoid overheating. Allow for cooling and, if necessary, lower the work rate. Remember to replace any damaged equipment with the new one. Keep electric lines clean of grease and dirt, and make sure they are not damaged.

    #7 Avoid Skin Burns

    Be cautious while handling any hot equipment or recently welded workpiece. Prefer wearing insulated gloves while handling hot equipment otherwise, they can burn your skin. Also, Allow time for the equipment to cool before using it again.

    #8 Protect Eyes and Skin From UV Light 

    Protect your eyes and skin from UV light. Wear non-porous gloves and a welding mask while welding. Avoid wearing shorts and short sleeves shirts and cover any exposed skin.

    Read: Different Types of Tungsten Electrodes

    #9 Avoid Electric Shock

    Arc welders require 80 and 120 volts of power for welding. This powerful voltage can be dangerous, especially if the welder has any medical issues. This shock can force them to fall into the hot metal workpiece. While the power is on, do not touch any electrode or circuit.

    #10 Read Manual Instructions and Warning Labels

    Read the reader's manual and guide before working. Important safety instructions are included in the manual, and warnings on equipment indicate what you should avoid.

    Previous article 8 Important Welding Safety tips Every Welder Should Know

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