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Andy Seneca (@moltenmetalcraft)



Welcome to this week's #benchmarkspotlight (formerly the #weldershowcase) - we had the opportunity to sit down with Andy from @moltenmetalcraft and talk a little shop.
If you would like to be featured in our weekly spotlight (100% FREE) and have a chance at winning one of our Grinder Hoods please send us an email to to get you scheduled in an upcoming week. And for those of you that take the time to share your story with us, we'd be happy to provide a free BA banner. These spotlights are intended to highlight your skill, your business, and your tips and tricks.  Most of all it's to have a little fun!


Name:  Andy Seneca
Business Name:  Molten Metal Craft Co.
Location: Allentown, PA
Socials: IG: @somedumbwelder99  IG: @moltenmetalcraft  TikTok: @moltenmetal99
Specialties:  Welding & Fab., CNC plasma cutting, Aluminum, stainless steel and other exotic alloys
Tell us about yourself - what inspired you to get into your trade? And how long?
I've always been fascinated with welding and metals as well as having some family members who  were ironworkers and self employed welders.
  What keeps you motivated throughout the day?
Learning new things, doing the hard work and caffeine lol
What is your favorite shop tool and why?
My favorite shop tool is my CNC plasma table, it assists me with many projects and never complains!
  What's your favorite piece that you've worked on?
My favorite piece is the keg urinal for breweries and man caves, theyre fun to make and people never stop talking about them
If you could have any job as it relates to question 1 what would it be and what would you do with that?
Ironworker, they were a huge part of many wars and america's infrastructure
What BA product is your favorite and why?
The flap wheels, they are so versatile and long lasting for any type of grinding or deburring
What BA product surprised you in terms of quality - what about it set it apart from the competition?
The 7 1/4" carbide blades for metal, they make field cuts easy and the pricing beats many competitors
What tips and tricks do you have for us that might be different or eye opening for others to try with BA product?
Always let the tool do the work and you'll get more use out of it and not be worn out from using it.
If there was one person you could collaborate with - who would it be and why?
Jesse James, his work ethic and end products speak for themselves!
Do you have any advice for the next generation that you wish you had when you first started?
Get all the experience and knowledge you can about whatever you're doing and never stop learning.
What are your future plans for your shop?
I would like to expand into more areas of the trade and become the best shop to better serve our clients.


A Note From Leo
Thanks for sharing your story with us, Andy! We appreciate you taking the time to do so.
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