How To Wet Sand Wood Furniture
Wet sanding is used to give wood a fine, smooth finish. The wood needs to be carefully cleaned and varnished. Additionally, you should pick damp sandpaper and let it soak for a while before using it. Always sand with damp sandpaper in small, circular motions. Usually, you would sand the wood twice or three times, each time with grittier sandpaper.
How to wet sand wood furniture? Follow the seven simple steps to wet sand wood for a smooth finish.
7 Easy Steps to Wet Sand Wood for a Smooth Finish
Step 1 - Before Sanding, Lubricate The Sandpaper
Even if soaking the sandpaper helps prepare it, you still need to lubricate it when sanding. For a powerful lubricant, combine water and dish soap in a solution. Mineral spirits are also effective.
While working, make sure the sandpaper isn't allowed to dry out. You don't need to keep it dripping wet. In general, rewet the paper every few minutes.
Step 2 - Wrap The Sandpaper Around A Sponge Or Wood Block
Use a block or sponge to ensure the wood is in touch with a few square inches (20 sq cm) of sandpaper. You won't be able to cover as much ground if you hold the sandpaper.
Even if it is not necessarily necessary, this sanding wood method is the most effective.
Step 3 - Moving In Circles, Scrubbing The Surface
Place the sandpaper against the wood while holding it there and press lightly. Circular hand gestures are used. It's not necessary to sand with the wood's grain in mind. Instead of remaining stationary, move your hand along the wood.
Only one or two circular swipes are required for each area.
Step 4 - Sand The Wood Uniformly By Working In A Pattern.
Work from the corner of the piece of wood to the opposite side, following one edge. After that, travel further along the woods and return to the corner where you started. Sand the surface using this pattern, moving from side to side until it is completely covered.
Step 5 - As You Proceed, Increase The Sandpaper's Grit.
Run your hand over the surface after evenly sanding it with the first grit. Leave it alone if it looks and feels right to you. Grab a higher grit and continue the process if you want it smoother.
You should use mineral spirits, water, and dish soap to soak and maintain moisture on each piece of sandpaper.
Step 6 - After Sanding Is Complete, Clean The Wood.
Even wet sanding will leave some dust on the wood's surface. To completely clean the wood of dust, use the same compressed air or vacuum that you previously used. In a pinch, clean the wood with a slightly damp cloth.
Step 7 - If You Like, Apply A Sealant
After wet sanding, your wood will be smooth, but you could add more shine or waterproofing. Make use of your preferred wood sealer. Verify that it will cover the previous finish you applied. To prevent brush strokes, apply it with a rag or paper towel.
Many want to make furniture look glossy and smooth— follow these step-by-step methods of getting high-gloss finish furniture to add an extra smooth finish.
Safety Tips and advice for a perfect wet sanding
Following are some tips and suggestions for wet sanding perfectly:
- First and foremost, advice is to always wear Protective gear like masks, eyes and face shields, and gloves to prevent dust and debris.
- Always ensure not to oversand or remove too much material. Oversanding can damage the workpiece and will not give the desired results.
- To check for the desired results, test a small area or hidden part before sanding a large part.
- Always use lukewarm water for soaking your sandpaper. This will soften the sandpaper and last longer. Avoid using hot water. It damages adhesives on the sandpaper, and it will no longer be useful.
- Always use the right techniques to sand wood. Applying light pressure and always sanding in the direction of the wood will help prevent scratches and produce a smooth finish. Hence, it will not damage the material.